After Gallup essentially declared advertising on Facebook the naked emperor of online marketing early this week, the Social Media giant has hit back and essentially argued that Gallup doesn’t know what it is talking about.
In an email released by the company in the wake of the Gallup story, Facebook noted “The only thing this poll shows is that self-reported behavioral data is unreliable. For decades, studies that look at people’s actual, real-world behavior have shown that ads on all mediums, including social media, affect the things people buy,” reports Business Insider.
Facebook further directed interested parties to check out the company’s internal studies that indicate the $10 billion a year that is invested in Facebook in the form of paid advertising dollars is, in fact, generating more than just hollow “likes,” and is instead leading to purchases.
“The most successful marketers in the world don’t just take our word for it when it comes to ad effectiveness, they’ve asked us to prove that our ads work. And we have. Those marketers hold us to a very high standard; we look at actual changes in attitudes and behaviors using experimental design — the same approach used in medical trials.”
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