In an attempt to push personalized coupons on customers with smartphones, Walgreens has announced it is piloting an iBeacon test program in Duane Reade locations across New York.
The iBeacons launch is tied to to Walgreen corporate goal of creating a mobile strategy that is strongly tied to the in-store experience. The mobile push is based on research that indicates that customers who shop Walgreens online and on mobile spend six times as much as those who only shop in-store. The company further found that 51 percent of their online customers were coming from mobile devices.
The test of iBeacon technology is part of the company’s large goal plan to build easily “clippable” digital coupons that customers can redeem via a bar code on a smartphone.
“We will try out a lot of these technologies, test them out quickly and get a feel for, ‘here’s what this technology can do,’ so those quick innovations, quick proof of concepts that never see a customer, we do multiple iterations of those every week,” said Tim McCauley, senior director of mobile commerce at Walgreens at the Mcommerce Summit: State of Mobile Commerce 2014 reports Mobile Commerce Daily.
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