Apple iPhone 6s Sales On Fire

Apple’s new iterations of its iPhones are seeing sales at a blistering pace — so much so the phones are on track to best last year’s first weekend sales tally of 10 million units.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday (Sept. 14) that the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are enjoying the benefits of “exceptionally” strong orders out of the gate, as the phones were available for orders as recently as this past Saturday. The phones themselves will begin shipping at the end of this month, starting Sept. 25. The strong initial demand for the newest phones means the company is “on pace” to hurdle last year’s sales, Trudy Muller, an Apple spokeswoman, said in a statement.

Muller’s statement sheds some light on key drivers, which include China, the tech behemoth’s second-largest market. This time around, China is among those countries in which the new Apple phones have been available for advanced orders right out of the gate — in contrast to last year, when the Chinese market opened up in October, a full month after availability began in other parts of the world.

And, in reference to phone-specific demand, Muller pointed out that orders for the relatively larger iPhone 6s Plus remained “exceptionally strong.”

[bctt tweet=”Orders for the relatively larger iPhone 6s Plus remained “exceptionally strong.””]

However, the company has been singled out for at least some granularity of detail which thus far this year has not been provided. Last year Apple said it had gotten orders of as many as 4 million phones within the first day of general availability; yet this year, the company did not disclose a similar first day shipment estimate.

Discussing wait times, the company said on its website that customers who opted for the iPhone 6s Plus would have to face a two- to three-week wait; conversely, the smaller 6s is available as of the Sept. 25 date.

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