
Dodd-Frank Rules Only 64 Percent Complete

The financial reforms mandated by Dodd-Frank legislation finalized five years ago have a ways to go, as they are only 64 percent completed, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday (Oct. 2).

Citing a study by law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, WSJ noted, at the end of last month, 271 rulemaking deadlines had come and gone, and regulators tied to the Securities and Exchange Commission and to financial industry oversight overall have not yet proposed rules for 33 of those rules, with another 45 regulations still in the queue for final passage.

Upon passage in 2010, Dodd-Frank had offered up 390 rulemaking requirements overall, and of that, 249 have finalized rules in place, with another 58 quasi-satisfied with rule proposals. There are another 83 that have yet to see proposed rules, and of those, WSJ noted, deadlines have been missed by regulators on 33. As has been widely reported, the legislation touches on payments reform stretching across debit transactions and other areas, including bank liquidity.

Drilling down to the Securities and Exchange Commission, two-thirds of the assigned 94 rules handed down under Dodd-Frank have been completed. The most accomplished agency in terms of accomplishing its mandates? WSJ reported that it is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which has finalized 50 of 59 rules — failing to get only one rule not in place before its deadline. Conversely, banking regulators have finalized only 63 percent of the 132 rules that had been decreed. Still other agencies, according to WSJ, have barely hit the halfway mark, and still others stretched beyond their deadlines without a single proposal in place. Lagging has marked the mortgage industry due to reforms, and consumer protection rules, though not represented by missed deadlines, are only half done.

[bctt tweet=”Lagging has marked the mortgage industry due to reforms.”]

And for a third-quarter scorecard, the SEC finalized another two rules. Those two rules put in place registration requirements for dealers trading security-based swaps, a type of financial instrument, and methods that will be used by public companies to calculate and disclose the gaps in pay between the company in question’s chief executive officer and the median employee.

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