Google Creates Payments Platform To Manage Users’ Financial Data

Google Payments is handling users’ financial data, ranging across apps including Android Pay and Google Wallet, VentureBeat reported Friday (June 26).

The platform will now be the service tied to Google’s backend that will support all company payments products, reported VentureBeat, as Android Pay serves in-app and in-store transactions, while Google Wallet remains geared toward peer-to-peer activity.

A Google spokesperson told the site in an interview that “as we prepare for the launch of our new payments products, we’re gradually updating the Web destination where people can keep track of payments connected to their Google account, such as Play, Google Express, Google Fiber. These will now be available at”

But that “gradual” update appears to be coming sooner rather than later. Recent updates to the Google Wallet Privacy Notice reference Google Payments throughout, with the updated notice becoming effective tomorrow (June 30).

Google Payments will reportedly display a log of all transactions made with a user’s Google account, while the main page will show items that need attention, such as expired cards. With the new Google Payments, users are able to tweak payment methods, manage their bills and more.

The platform will merge payments made with Android Pay and Google Wallet under one umbrella, allowing users who want to keep track of a range of financial data that may be far-flung across all Google properties.

As had been widely reported in May, Google, at its I/O developer conference, unveiled Android Pay, designed to take the place of Google Wallet on subscriber phones. Google Wallet, previously powered in part by Softcard, would be slated to handle the Play Store purchases made outside of Android, the Verge reported.

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