
Snapchat Is Sure Its Ads Actually Spur Action, And Oracle Is Helping Prove It

The myriad social media platform out there — Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. — all have some variation of a common problem: Lots of people using their services all the time and not paying a red cent since the first rule of building a social media platform is simply accepting that users won’t pay to use it.

Among the lot, Facebook has been very successful in solving that problem through mobile advertising. In fact, it is second only to Google in that regard (though, it should be noted, second by a long, long shot). And for the other players in the field, well, as it turns out, monitoring eyeballs is hard to do.

Unless, of course, there was any easy way to prove to the brands of the world that advertising on your site doesn’t merely boost eCommerce traffic but motivates and drives consumer behavior wherever those consumers happen to be shopping.

Enter Snapchat and its new partner, Oracle, on a mission to find exactly that link.

The collaboration will leverage Oracle Data Cloud and will initially be aimed at consumer-packaged goods brands. The goal will be to establish better ways to measure how goods are selling in-store when correlated to how much brands are spending advertising them.

“We’ve been listening closely to advertisers and delivering the data they need,” Snapchat Global Head of Revenue Operations Clement Xue said in a statement.

And while Oracle is the most recent — and arguably highest-profile — firm to partner with Snapchat in this effort, it is far from the only one. Snapchat has signed on with 10 similar partnerships, including Nielsen and Google DoubleClick, among others.

Snapchat will be bringing these new tracking features on the road next week at the annual Cannes Lions advertising exec conference next week.

Oracle has also recently released a study that reports “92 percent of the Snapchat ad campaigns drove a positive lift in in-store sales.”

Oracle focused in on 12 marketing campaigns from cosmetic, personal care, cleaning, packaged food and beverage brands.