
Alibaba Group Holding Limited, also known as Alibaba Group and as, is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology.
Alibaba to Bring Tmall eCommerce Site to Europe
Alibaba to Bring Tmall eCommerce Site to Europe
June 15, 2023  |  eCommerce

Alibaba, the Chinese eCommerce behemoth, is planning to expand its Tmall eCommerce site to Europe, according to Michael Evans, president of Alibaba Group. Speaking at...

Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Shows Brands Hunkering Down for Summer
Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Shows Brands Hunkering Down for Summer
May 31, 2023  |  Shopping

You may have clicked this link looking for radical changes of position in PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps. Sorry to disappoint, but this is not...

Shein Hauls Its Way to Top of Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Again
Shein Hauls Its Way to Top of Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Again
May 08, 2023  |  Shopping

Been shopping lately? It’s pricey out there. The wise shopper is prepared, and the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps indicates how those wise shoppers...

Report: Alibaba Considers Taking eCommerce Business Public
Report: Alibaba Considers Taking eCommerce Business Public
May 04, 2023  |  eCommerce

Alibaba is reportedly mulling a U.S. initial public offering (IPO) for its eCommerce unit. The Chinese tech giant is in the early stages of weighing...

Alibaba May Launch AI Chatbot April 11
Alibaba May Launch AI Chatbot April 11
April 10, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Alibaba may formally launch an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Tuesday (April 11). The tech giant is holding an Alibaba Cloud Summit event on that day...

Alibaba’s Split Signals Shift in China Big Tech Approach, or Maybe Not      
Alibaba’s Split Signals Shift in China Big Tech Approach, or Maybe Not      
March 29, 2023  |  Big Tech

In an ambitious and far reaching move, China is signaling a new approach to Big Tech. And by extension, entrepreneurship and innovation will blossom. Split...

Alibaba Divides Kingdom Into Six Pieces
Alibaba Divides Kingdom Into Six Pieces
March 28, 2023  |  eCommerce

Alibaba Group is splitting into six pieces with plans to take these new businesses public. The Chinese eCommerce company said Tuesday (March 28) it was...

Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Goes on a Spree of Small Changes
Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps Goes on a Spree of Small Changes
March 20, 2023  |  Mobile Applications

What’s better than a shopping app? Air. Maybe. See if you don’t agree after perusing this month’s latest listings to see who’s got the mobile...

Retailers Say Chinese Consumer Spending Has Not Yet Recovered From COVID
Retailers Say Chinese Consumer Spending Has Not Yet Recovered From COVID
March 10, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

China’s consumer spending hasn’t seen the surge many expected after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. In recent comments, the CEOs of eCommerce firms and...