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Chile: Bidding announced for 5G spectrum

 |  February 26, 2019

The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of Chile, through its sub-agency Subtel, announced that the bidding process for a future 5G network will soon be launched, covering 60MHz of spectrum nationwide.

The process is part of the pro-competition agenda for the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, seeking to deepen the benefits received by end users of telephony and internet services, as well as participants at the national level.

“Since we took over the Government, almost a year ago, we have worked so that the telecommunications users across the country can access the newly available technologies and that this can be done at reasonable prices accessible to all. That is why we decided to call this 60 MHz spectrum tender. This contest will further deepen competition, which ultimately translates into better and greater benefits, as well as freedom of choice for all people” said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.

“President Piñera’s mandate is that Chile will have 5G during his government, and will continue to lead the region’s digital development. Therefore, this week we are going to meet with several foreign companies, which have already shown interest in participating in this contest and through it enter the national telecommunications market” said Undersecretary of telecommunications Pamela Gidi.

Full Content: BioBio Chile

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