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Four Lessons From 2023 That Tell Us Where AI Regulation is Going

 |  January 26, 2024

By: Tate Ryan-Mosley(MIT Technology Review)

In 2023, the world witnessed significant developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and its regulation, particularly in the United States and other regions. As we move into the next year, 2024, we can anticipate even more activity in this realm. On January 5th, my colleagues Melissa Heikkilä, Zeyi Yang, and I published a comprehensive story outlining the expected trends in AI policy worldwide for the upcoming 12 months.

Broadly speaking, the strategies that emerged in the previous year are likely to continue, expand, and gradually be put into action. For instance, in response to President Biden’s executive order, various US government agencies may introduce new guidelines while encouraging AI companies to self-regulate. Similarly, in Europe, companies and regulators will begin grappling with the implications of the AI Act and its risk-based approach. However, the implementation process is expected to encounter challenges, and there will likely be extensive discussions on the practical implications of these new laws and policies.

While writing this piece, I took a moment to reflect on the journey that led us to this point. I believe that narratives surrounding the ascent of technologies warrant introspective analysis as they can provide valuable insights into what the future may hold. Throughout my experience as a reporter, I have observed recurring patterns in these narratives, whether it pertains to blockchain, social media, self-driving cars, or any other rapidly evolving, paradigm-shifting innovation. Typically, technological advancements outpace regulatory frameworks, leaving lawmakers grappling with the task of keeping pace with evolving technology while formulating sustainable, forward-looking laws.