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SEC Launches Interagency Securities Council

 |  July 22, 2024

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Division of Enforcement has announced the launch of the Interagency Securities Council (ISC), a new initiative aimed at enhancing collaboration and information-sharing among federal, state, and local regulatory and law enforcement professionals. The ISC will convene quarterly meetings to address the latest trends, scams, frauds, and mitigation strategies in the securities sector.

The ISC’s primary goal is to fortify the relationships between various governmental levels to protect investors more effectively. By fostering opportunities for collaborative casework and providing insights to those less familiar with securities regulations, the council aims to unify efforts in tackling financial fraud.

Over 100 representatives from diverse entities, including federal agencies, state attorneys general offices, state police, local police departments, and sheriff’s offices, participated in the ISC’s inaugural meeting. This wide-ranging involvement underscores the comprehensive approach needed to address the complexities of modern financial fraud.

Gurbir S. Grewal, Chair of the ISC and Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, emphasized the council’s importance in equipping front-line investigators with the knowledge to identify and combat emerging threats. “The Interagency Securities Council will help front-line investigators stay abreast of emerging threats and fact patterns to protect their communities from securities fraud, while supporting the efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement partners across the country,” Grewal stated.

Cristina Martin Firvida, the SEC’s Investor Advocate, highlighted the benefits of multi-level government cooperation for investors. “As financial frauds become more complex, investors benefit from the government – at all levels – working together and sharing information to protect and inform the public,” Firvida remarked.

About the Interagency Securities Council

The ISC is dedicated to law enforcement and regulatory agencies, providing a platform for participants to engage with experts on new threats, learn from experienced investigators, and review case studies showcasing innovative approaches to combat financial fraud. The council also aims to connect with broader law enforcement communities, including local police, sheriff departments, and tribal and military law enforcement, which may not regularly deal with securities law violations.

Adam Anicich and Manuel Vazquez will lead the SEC’s initiatives within the ISC, driving efforts to enhance collaboration and information sharing across the regulatory and law enforcement landscape.

Source: SEC