Payments 2016, The Year Of …

From open APIs to omnichannel, from EMV chip cards to faster payments, it’s hard to put a finger on exactly which happenings in the payments space had the biggest impact in 2016. There were many shifts and trends in the ecosystem this year, some that will surely have an impact on how payments stakeholders operate for years to come.

But picking the most influential is a tough job. Lucky for us, we’ll let the industry speak for itself on this one.

PYMNTS consulted 21 payments executives from across the industry to share their insights on the biggest takeaways from 2016. We posed the same question to each executive:

If you had to answer the question, Payments was the year of …, how would you answer, and how does your answer change your world — and the world of payments,more broadly?

In the following pages of the “Payments 2016, The Year Of …” eBook, thought leaders in the industry not only provide an in-depth look into some of the biggest impacts to payments this year but also deliver a glimpse into what the future may hold in the ever-evolving world of commerce. Believe us, how they responded may just surprise you!

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