John Kwoka
John Kwoka teaches and conducts research in the areas of industrial organization, antitrust, and regulatory economics. His emphasis is on the application of economics to current policy issues in various industries. His other teaching interests include courses on the microeconomics of the financial crisis and on sports economics. Kwoka’s recent research has focused on the effectiveness of merger policy in the U.S. Kwoka’s most recent book on this subject CONTROLLING MERGERS AND MARKET POWER: A Program for Reviving Antitrust in America was just released by CPI Publishing. His earlier book, Mergers, Merger Control, and Remedies in the United States: A Retrospective Analysis was published in 2015 by MIT Press and won the Cohen Award for the Best Antitrust Book. He also co-edits The Antitrust Revolution, the leading casebook on recent antitrust cases. Kwoka has worked at the U.S. antitrust and regulatory agencies and serves as adviser or consultant to them and to those of other countries and international agencies.