Tracker Series

The Looming Tech Bubble Burst: Overblown Or Overdue?
March 18, 2015

Prominent tech investor Bill Gurley captured headlines coming out of SXSW last week with his rather grim predictions of things to come for the startup economy – and unusual addition to what is generally a celebration of all the potential of what’s new and now...

The Week Of Apple Pay Pick-Ups
March 13, 2015

The Apple Watch was undoubtedly the star of the show at Cupertino’s “Spring Forward” event on Monday (March 9) with the rest of the product line – like the gold MacBook and even Apple Pay – playing important supporting roles. As is Apple’s custom, the event successfully ignited...

March Is In Like A Lion
March 11, 2015

When Sophia Amoruso’s first version of Nasty Gal launched in 2006, it was as her personal store on the eBay marketplace. That small, original venture developed a reputation for eclectic and edgy fashions combined with a young, visible and fashion-forward following. Fast forward nine years,...

Shaking Out or Settling Down?
March 09, 2015

Welcome to the monthly mPOS Tracker, a PYMNTS Special Report. In this report, we rank mPOS players and score them based on the payment methods, devices, and operating systems they support and the geographies they serve. This month’s report focuses on the evolution of mPOS...

Why Apple’s Fraud Problem Is Bigger Than Apple
March 06, 2015

There’s an old saying, taken from a story in the Old Testament, that goes something like this – “Be ever cautious, every rich man’s house has a servant’s entrance.” The saying is meant as a warning to never feel too secure. This week, it seems...

Saving Dinner For Diners And Restaurants From EMV
March 04, 2015

“Uh-uh. No way. Cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks?” –Phoebe Buffay, “Friends,” The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant Every year, hundreds of perfectly nice meals are ruined when it comes time to pay the bill. As it turns out, nothing alienates lifelong friends, convivial...

Inside Jet Blue’s Apple Pay Plan
February 20, 2015

In the United States each day, about 2 million people travel by air. On average, those travelers are in their late 40s and earn between $60,000 and $85,000 annually. And those 2 million passengers are evolving into an increasingly digitally enabled group. One-quarter of air travelers use Web–based...

Apple Pay: Love Notes And Dear John Letters
February 13, 2015

Valentine’s Day in 2015 is a bit unique – it is cursed. Or at least many people might believe it is cursed, especially those who either suffer from triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) or paraskavedekatriaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th), because this year the...

Bitcoin Strikes For The Gold Standard
February 13, 2015

When people say someone is as “rich as Croesus,” they’re talking of to a time (B.C. time) when gold was first starting to be used as a currency. A time when Croesus of Mermnadae, the last King of Lydia, had accumulated an ungodly amount of gold...