
Security & Fraud
Credit, Debit Card Fraud Losses Reached $21.84 Billion Last Year
October 26, 2016

Fraud losses incurred by banks and merchants on all credit, debit and prepaid general-purpose and private-label payment cards issued worldwide reached $21.84 billion last year when global card volume totaled $31.31 trillion, according to The Nilson Report. In a press release, The Nilson Report said this...

Security & Fraud
White House Taking Steps In Wake Of Friday’s Web Hack
October 26, 2016

The White House earlier this week sought to calm Americans who were worried about last week’s cyberattack that took down Twitter, Spotify, Netflix and a host of other websites, saying it is taking steps to counter the attacks. According to a report by Fortune, The Department...

B2B Payments
With Mobile, Fostering Cross-Border In B2B Transactions
October 26, 2016

Mobile devices are, of course, ubiquitous in payments. For B2B transactions, mobile can mean better management of vendor relationships (and time and cost savings), according to Corinne MacMillan, CTO of Cambridge Global Payments.

Partnerships / Acquisitions
FICO Teams With EFL Global To Include Psychometric Scoring
October 26, 2016

FICO, the analytic software firm, announced Tuesday (Oct. 25) a strategic partnership with EFL Global to expand credit scoring options for lenders and consumers in markets outside the U.S. In a press release, FICO said it will offer EFL’s psychometric scoring alongside its own credit scoring products...

Security & Fraud
Socure Launches Revamped Digital Identity Dashboard
October 26, 2016

Socure, a digital identity verification company, announced Tuesday (Oct. 25) a redesign of its digital identity dashboard service to better equip organizations with a powerful new way to understand the complete online and offline persona of a consumer. The news comes on the heels of a...

Alternative Finances
LendingClub Moves Into Auto Loan Refinancing
October 26, 2016

Whatever else can — and doubtlessly will — be said about Lending Club in 2016, no one will argue that they didn’t keep things interesting for observers. This week has been no exception, and LendingClub is moving its debt refinancing model — largely applied to consumers looking consolidate...

Are Connected Devices Threatening Payment Security?
October 26, 2016

Cybercriminals are looking at a new point of entry to cause major damage to both consumers and businesses — the Internet of Things. Michelle Tinsley, director of mobility and secure payments for Intel, joined Karen Webster to discuss why merchants shouldn’t underestimate the backdoor connected...

Point of Sale
When The POS Is The OS
October 26, 2016

There’s no doubt payments are critical to a merchant, and the experience surrounding those payments are just as important to consumers. But the point of sale can’t stop there. John Beatty, CEO and cofounder of Clover for First Data, joined Karen Webster to discuss how...

Payment Methods
In Processing, Refocusing On Service
October 26, 2016

Here’s a question for payments processors: At what point does value add become a distraction and detraction from the business at hand? According to Don Kasdon, CEO at credit card processor T1 Payments, processors lose out when they lose sight of customer service.