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Deputy Division Head Of Turkish Regulator Joins ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys

 |  June 1, 2021

The deputy head of the Supervision and Enforcement Department-I of the Turkish Competition Authority has joined ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law.

Ms. Ince has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Bilkent University, where she also attained her MA in Law and Economics degree in 2010. She has successfully served the Turkish Competition Authority since 2009 while also completing her MSc at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Competition and Market Regulation) in 2016.

From January 2009 to May 2021, Ms. İnce worked in the Turkish Competition Authority as an assistant competition expert, competition expert, senior competition expert and most recently as a deputy head of the Supervision and Enforcement Department-I, which focuses primarily on information technologies, platform services, telecommunications, and media.

She has carried out a range of in-depth work within the scope of her duties at the Turkish Competition Authority, particularly with respect to the preliminary and in-depth investigations in various sectors such as platform services, energy, health services, welding equipment and FMCG retailing. She has led the cases on “E-Marketplace Platforms Sector Inquiry,” “Welding Equipment Cartel Investigation,” “Chemotherapy Devices Bid Rigging Investigation,” and “LPG Dealers Cartel Investigation.” She has extensive experience in competition law matters.

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