A PYMNTS Company

Mexican Antitrust Authority Nears Decision on Walmart Probe

 |  October 1, 2024

The Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) is expected to announce its ruling on an investigation into Walmart de Mexico, the country’s largest retailer, in the coming days, according to Yahoo News. The investigation revolves around allegations that the company, also known as Walmex, may have abused its market dominance to impose unfair terms on its suppliers and distributors.

The inquiry began after accusations that Walmex was dictating prices and contract terms to its partners, a practice that could constitute “relative monopolistic practices.” This type of behavior, considered an abuse of dominant market power, can result in steep penalties. As per Yahoo News, COFECE’s lead investigator, Jose Manuel Haro, stated last October that the potential fines for such practices could reach up to 8% of a company’s annual revenue.

Walmex has consistently denied any wrongdoing, maintaining that its business practices are fully compliant with the law. In a statement, the company expressed confidence that its actions were taken in the interest of providing competitive prices and ensuring a reliable supply of products to consumers.

Related: The Cost of Making COFECE Disappear

Despite this assertion, news of the ongoing investigation has weighed heavily on Walmex’s stock. Per Yahoo News, shares in the company fell by more than 5% on Monday, marking their lowest point in over 30 months, as investors reacted to the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the regulatory probe.

The pending decision from COFECE could have significant implications not only for Walmex, but also for Mexico’s broader retail market. If the company is found to have violated competition laws, it could face substantial financial penalties and be required to alter its business practices.

As the retail giant awaits the regulator’s decision, market analysts and industry watchers will be closely monitoring the developments. The case has underscored the growing scrutiny of large corporations in Mexico and the importance of maintaining fair competition in the market.

Source: Yahoo News