A PYMNTS Company

Spain Publishes Guidelines On Antitrust Compliance

 |  June 11, 2020

The CNMC has published a “Guide on Regulatory Compliance Programmes in Relation to Anti-Trust Laws.”The publication of this guide is an indication of the CNMC’s commitment to promoting compliance programs as a way to foster a culture of competition in Spain for the public interest.

The document seeks to assist companies in their efforts to implement and develop compliance programmes. To this end, it provides transparency for the basic criteria that the CNMC deems relevant for these programs to be effective. The Guide also considers a series of incentives to encourage these efforts, as well as to enhance the collaboration between companies and the CNMC, especially within the framework of the leniency program described in articles 65 and 6 of Law 15/2007 of July 3, the Anti-Trust Law.

In February 2020, a first draft of the guide was submitted to public consultation. This yielded numerous contributions from companies, associations and law firms, both in the fields of compliance and in the specialised field of antitrust laws, as well as from public entities, all of which resulted in a revision to the initial draft.

Regulatory compliance programs allow economic operators to prevent, identify, and react early to unlawful conduct that may lead to criminal and administrative liability, and that may affect their reputation.

Full Content: CNMC

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