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US: New antitrust task force goes after Big Tech

 |  February 28, 2019

The Federal Trade Commission announcement comes amid increasing concerns in the US and elsewhere about dominant tech platforms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. The FTC declined to name any specific companies or deals it would look at, but said it would consider reviews of tie-ups that have already been completed, with an eye toward seeking an unwinding or divestment.

FTC officials say the Technology Task Force’s mandate will include reviewing acquisitions that have already been approved, pointing to bigger regulatory headaches ahead for a sector already on defense for how it exploits data from consumers.

“We’re thrilled the FTC is engaged,” said Robert Engel, chief spokesman for the Free and Fair Markets Initiative, an activist group that has targeted Amazon.com Inc. for what it views as monopolistic behavior. FTC officials “have a real opportunity, particularly if they focus on the main offenders.”
Full Content: Wall Street Journal

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