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US: United flight attendants approve first post-merger joint contract

 |  August 14, 2016

Flight attendants at United Continental Holdings Inc have voted to approve a contract that will hike wages between 18 percent and 31 percent this September after a lengthy and sometimes contentious negotiation, their union said on Friday.

Some 53 percent of those who voted backed the deal, which marks the first labor contract covering all 25,000 flight attendants from both United and Continental, according to the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA. The airlines merged in 2010.

The new contract is an important step toward integrating United and Continental and reducing flight cancellations.

The agreement was reached by the airline and union in June under the guidance of the US National Mediation Board, following months of protests by workers and years of talks.

In addition to pay raises, the contract provides better healthcare and job protection, the union said.

Full Content: Indian Express

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