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Why States and Localities are Acting On AI

 |  January 2, 2024

By: Nicol Turner Lee & Obioha Chijioke (Brookings Tech Tank)

In the face of a void in congressional legislation addressing artificial intelligence (AI), individual states are taking the initiative to formulate their own proposals aimed at mitigating the potential adverse effects of AI. Faced with the uncertainty surrounding federal policymaking, states are forging ahead with measures addressing privacy, bias, discrimination, safety, and security.

Although the recent Executive Order on AI from the White House marks a positive stride, its comprehensive execution necessitates national legislation that incorporates the October 2022 Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, the January 2023 NIST AI Management Framework, and insights gleaned from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s AI Insights Forum.

Despite the evident enthusiasm of federal lawmakers and corporate leaders to propel the United States forward in AI capabilities and global leadership, the absence of new legislation is prompting states to independently undertake AI oversight and regulation measures. Authors Nicol Turner Lee and Obioha Chijioke delve into this complex landscape, shedding light on the evolving role of states in shaping AI policy…