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Spain: CNMC proposes undoing AENA-ENAIRE partnership

 |  November 19, 2018

Spain’s National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has proposed to put an end to the vertical integration between air traffic control companies Aena and Enaire, as it considers the current situation as generating obstacles in the process of liberalizing air traffic control services in the country.

The CNMC maintains that the liberalization of airfield air traffic services in 18 Spanish airports has increased their efficiency by an average of 60% between 2012 and 2017, while in non-liberalized airports it has grown by 20%. In addition, they have improved the quality of services offered to travelers.

The CNMC has insisted that the proper functioning of air transport is essential for ensuring the mobility of people and goods, contributes to economic development, and promotes territorial and social cohesion. For this reason, it has proposed to push forward in the liberalization of aerodrome air traffic control services, simplify the requirements for the provision of air traffic services in those airports where it is possible, or promote greater competition in the air traffic controller training market.

Full Content: El Diario
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