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Spain: CNMC asks AN to suspend new rules for electricity sector

 |  June 12, 2018

The National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has filed an appeal with the National Assembly against the rules of operation set to be imposed on the electricity market, requesting that it suspend the regulations approved by a resolution of the State Secretariat of Energy, part of the Ministry of Energy on May 9, and published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on May 11, because it violates the powers of the CNMC.

The European daily electricity markets are linked, and operate under a common price calculation system, with EU regulators designing the corresponding methodologies and processes.

In view of this, the CNMC and ERSE – the Portuguese regulatory authority – had agreed for this reason to elaborate a joint methodology for the regional auctions so that the system was ready for the launch of the European continuous intraday market, scheduled for today, 12th of June. The agreement between these two regulators was brought to the attention of the European Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ARCE) and the Ministry of Energy, which received it on April 19, although it later changed the regulation.

For this reason, the CNMC has presented an appeal and has requested the National Assembly to take precautionary measures that suspend the rules, in order to avoid legal uncertainty to market participants.
Full Content: Intereconomía

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