Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
SEC Charges Skael Founder With Inflating Automation Startup’s Revenue
September 25, 2024

The co-founder of business automation startup Skael has been accused of illegally inflating its revenues. Baba Nadimpalli, who had also been the CEO of the defunct company, was indicted Tuesday (Sept. 24) by a federal grand jury in San Francisco on charges of securities and wire fraud....

Security & Fraud
FBI Reportedly Investigating Hone Capital’s Connections to China
September 25, 2024

The FBI is reportedly investigating a Silicon Valley venture capital group’s ties to China. Hone Capital launched with the help of a Chinese private equity group in 2015. Now, investigators are looking into whether the firm passed trade secrets to the Chinese government, the Financial...

Security & Fraud
HSBC: Tech Sector Should Help Refund APP Fraud Victims
September 24, 2024

British banking giant HSBC wants the tech industry’s help with new fraud reimbursement rules. The bank said the regulations expected to go into effect next month will not prevent fraud, The Guardian reported Sunday (Sept. 22). David Callington, the head of fraud at HSBC UK,...

Security & Fraud
69% of Consumers Prioritize Fraud Protection When Picking a Bank
September 24, 2024

Banks and financial institutions (FIs) face challenges in balancing the convenience of digital banking with the need for robust security measures. Economic impacts from fraud have forced these institutions to shift resources away from innovation toward immediate threat mitigation, hindering progress in the sector. As...

Security & Fraud
Report: Disney Cuts Ties With Slack After Data Heist
September 19, 2024

Disney reportedly plans to stop using workplace collaboration platform Slack following a recent data breach. Chief financial officer Hugh Johnston announced the change this week, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Thursday (Sept. 19), citing an internal memo reviewed by the news outlet. That memo...

Security & Fraud
Reducing the Attack Surface: How Data Breaches Imperil Corporate Networks
September 18, 2024

Data breaches are like opinions — these days, it seems like everyone has one. But that’s not great news for the business landscape, particularly as critical infrastructure providers are increasingly targeted by bad actors. And with the news Tuesday (Sept. 17) that the Federal Communications...

Security & Fraud
Invoice Invasion: Defending the Finance Department From Hidden Fraud Risks
September 17, 2024

Businesses can’t grow without getting paid, and businesses won’t get paid without an invoice. But fraudsters have taken notice, capitalizing on the fact that the invoice, whether it’s digital or paper, represents one of a company’s most attractive attack surfaces. Against this backdrop, invoice fraud...

Security & Fraud
Oracle Launches Financial Crime and Compliance Management Service
September 17, 2024

Oracle has launched a new service designed to help banks, FinTechs and other financial services companies identify potential financial crime and compliance issues and reduce compliance costs. The new Financial Crime and Compliance Management (FCCM) Monitor Cloud Service gives these organizations a holistic, centralized view...

Security & Fraud
FTC to Use PayPal to Send Refunds in FloatMe Settlement
September 16, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will begin sending refunded money via PayPal to consumers it said were harmed by online cash advance provider FloatMe. Consumers who are eligible for a payment will receive an email between now and Friday (Sept. 20), the FTC plans to...