Search results for "Cambridge Analytica"

September 10, 2019
Federal Judge Green-Lights Facebook Privacy Lawsuit

A federal judge has ruled that a class-action suit against Facebook can proceed. The lawsuit covers Facebook users in the United States and the United Kingdom who are seeking damages...

September 09, 2019
Facebook’s Slipping User Retention

Some worrying news for Facebook came out today (Sept. 9), as reports are emerging that downloads of both Facebook and Instagram have fallen in 2019. According to Bank of America...

September 04, 2019
Over 400M Facebook Users’ Records Exposed Online

A security researcher has found an exposed server containing hundreds of millions of phone numbers linked to Facebook accounts, TechCrunch reported Wednesday (Sept. 4). Sanyam Jain, a security researcher and...

September 04, 2019
Facebook Seeks Clear Guidelines For Data Sharing

Facebook is asking global regulators to write new data sharing guidelines after the company was compelled to revamp its own approach to the issue, according to a report in the...

September 04, 2019
Marketplaces Bet That A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Sales

In eCommerce, the right visual images pay dividends  when it comes to inducing shoppers toward impulse buys (or at least impulse browsing) across online platforms and marketplaces.  Richard Noguera, chief...

August 29, 2019
Capital One Hacker Indicted On Fraud, Theft Charges

The woman accused of one of the largest instances of corporate hacking in recent memory was indicted on charges of wire fraud and computer data theft on Wednesday (Aug. 29),...

August 26, 2019
German Cartel To Appeal Court’s Suspension Of Facebook Restrictions

After a regional court decision suspended restrictions on Facebook data gathering in Germany, the Federal Cartel Office said it is filing an appeal to the highest court, Reuters reported on...

August 20, 2019
Facebook Lets Users Prevent Targeted Advertising With New Tool

Facebook announced it has launched a new privacy tool so users can prevent their information from being sent to the site for targeted advertising. The new tool, called Off-Facebook Activity,...

August 20, 2019
US: FTC’s Simons says Facebook harder to break up now

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairman Joseph Simons said that if Facebook has plans to merge Instagram and WhatsApp more closely into its ecosphere, it could be harder to break the...