Search results for "eInvoicing"

May 04, 2020
Buyers And Suppliers Tackle The Invoice-To-Pay Digitization Journey

Office closures and remote working mandates have created an uncomfortable wakeup call for accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) departments that continue to rely on manual, paper-based processes. And...

May 01, 2020
Digitizing B2B Payments The Hybrid Way

For all of the happy life moments in which they appear, paper checks are unloved. So are paper invoices that precede them. The seeming incompatibility of paper and digital payments...

April 30, 2020
Deep Dive: How Companies Are Balancing Paper-Based AR Payments In...

Executives are often hesitant to dismantle their firms’ established accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) infrastructures to implement newer payment technologies. Such caution is typically merited in B2B operations,...

April 29, 2020
How B2B Trust Is Keeping Checks, Paper Invoices Humming Along

Businesses shipping age-restricted goods like alcohol to other vendors often bump into quirky state regulations, like rules that make buyers pay immediately upon delivery – making digital payments challenging. In...

April 29, 2020
FinTechs Expand Open Banking Opportunity For Banks

New solutions continue to roll out as a result of open banking frameworks around the world and banks’ increasing willingness to collaborate with FinTechs. This week’s look at the latest...

April 22, 2020
The eInvoice Emerges As The Keystone Of AR-AP Connectivity

With more B2B payment technology providers turning their attention to the electronic invoice, the document has become a keystone that connects accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) portals. In...

April 21, 2020
Mexico’s B2B Payments Opportunity As A Global eInvoice Leader

While the U.S. continues to struggle with paper invoices in accounts receivable (AR) and paper checks in accounts payable (AP), its neighbor to the south has emerged as the world...

April 20, 2020
Mastercard, vCita Pair To Help SMBs Migrate Online

To help small businesses run in a more digital-first environment, customer relationship management (CRM) company vCita has teamed with Mastercard in Europe to the roll out the Business Unusual platform,...

April 14, 2020
Fairfax, Indicium Collab For Invoice Payments In Mexico

Fairfax Software and Indicium Solutions have signed a deal to make Fairfax products, which focus on invoicing, available in Mexico, according to a press release. Indicium’s eFactura software will now...