Search results for "netflix"

October 15, 2012
System Down: Dealing With Catastrophic Risks In Payments

The electronic payment system is a technical marvel. Whether you swipe, stick, type a pin, or sign it takes seconds for interconnected computer systems to verify that it’s you, make...

August 02, 2012
Netflix and Lovefilm save BSkyB from sanction

The Competition Commission has cleared British Pay-TV Broadcaster BSkyB of any suspicion of illegal market domination. Citing the availability of alternatives such as Netflix and Lovefilm as major competition in...

June 13, 2012
DOJ probing cable companies for limiting Netflix, Hulu competition, acc....

The DOJ is probing Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and other cable companies to see if they have acted to place limits on competition posed by streaming online video, the Wall...

May 30, 2012
Two Years Ago, VC Said Change Was Due ― He...

Near the beginning of 2010 — more than two years ago — Josh Kopelman, Managing Partner at First Round Capital, noticed something unusual. At that time, the World Wide Web...

May 23, 2012
BSkyB probe dropped because of how Netflix changed the pay-TV...

The Competition Commission has revised its provisional findings on its probe into the U.K. pay-TV market. Whereas it formerly found in August 2011 that BSkyB’s dominance led to a substantial...

April 22, 2012
Lovefilm and Netflix “far from clear” threats to Sky, says...

Ofcom has provided comments on the Competition Commission’s working paper and research report on the pay-TV market. In its comments, Ofcom recommends that Netflix and Lovefilm “should be viewed in...

March 14, 2012
Competition Commission expands probe of BSkyB to consider Netflix and...

The Competition Commission will expand its probe of BSkyB and the pay-TV market to include Netflix and Lovefilm. The decision comes after “potentially relevant” developments in the market that would...

February 09, 2012
Big Fish Games Rapidly Expanding Cloud Gaming Research at Cork...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD today announced that Big Fish Games, the category leader in premium casual games with more than 2500 unique titles and 1.5...

June 23, 2011
Session 1: Innovation Across the Payments Ecosystem

Highlights – Why new payments methods ignite (or not) – How consumers are using new technologies today – How retailers are adapting their agenda to new consumer and technology trends...

Subscription Commerce Tracker™

The “Subscription Commerce Tracker™,” powered by Recurly, explores how companies use subscription-based commerce to build long-term customer relationships and steady revenue sources. The report includes notable developments in the market and the companies that are rapidly innovating the space.