Search results for "b2b payments"

February 18, 2015
West Coast Port Slow Down Having National Reverberations

The slow down at the Port of Long Beach wears on. After failing to be the grinch that stole Christmas, the labor dispute that will not end is now putting...

February 18, 2015
Middle East SMBs Should Brace For E-Commerce Boom, Study Says

Investment and funding in e-commerce throughout the Middle East is expected to sky-rocket in the coming decade according to recent research, and the projections could have wide implications for business-to-business...

February 18, 2015
Taulia’s Massive Growth Spurt

Taulia, a cloud-based provider of Software-as-a-Service, e-invoicing, and other B2B payment solutions, announced a major growth spurt in the form of an expanded management team. The new hires could be...

February 18, 2015
Amazon Web Services Goes Cross Border

Sticking to its global mission, Amazon Web Services announced yesterday (Feb. 17) that it will now accept bill payments and offer card support in 11 additional currencies — helping its customers...

February 18, 2015
B2B Innovators To Banks: Prepare To Be Disrupted

Why do paper checks still dominate B2B Payments? According to Eric Mettemeyer, CEO at Store Financial, it’s because big banks, tied to important lines of credit, make it hard for...

February 17, 2015
Target’s Fall In Canada A Wakeup Call To Suppliers

Target’s recent fall to bankruptcy in Canada means bad news for a lot of people. The company filed for bankruptcy protection last month and announced it will close all 133...

February 17, 2015
What B2B Can Learn From RadioShack’s Downfall

Industry experts – and consumers – were waiting for RadioShack’s fall, something many saw as a long time coming. When the electronic retail chain’s bankruptcy filing finally came, few were...

February 17, 2015
YunQuNa Offers Online Solutions for Chinese Freight Market

With more than 120,000 users participating on the merely week-old site, seems to have tapped into a much-needed service., based in China, launched operations with intentions of digitizing...

February 17, 2015
Covering the lending gap for SMEs in the United Arab...

The past two years have seen the exits of Standard Chartered, HSBC, Lloyds Bank and RBS from the small to medium enterprise sector in the United Arab Emirates. The exodus...

B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®: The Role of Business Cards in SMB Financial Management

Business cards offer numerous benefits to small businesses over other financing, including easier qualification, significantly higher credit limits, and perks such as cash back, travel and mileage-earning rewards. The latest “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®” explores why 63% of small business owners using cards as their primary startup funding attribute their success to this method of financing.

The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.