Search results for "bitcoin stolen"

February 16, 2016
Martin Shkreli Cries Foul On Kanye West-Bitcoin Heist

Bitcoin always brings out some wacky headlines, and this week served as yet another reminder that there’s never a dull moment in the bitcoin world. Remember Martin Shkreli? He’s well-known...

February 15, 2016
Hackers Sell 1M Consumers’ Bank Details On Open Internet

A pretty significant criminal enterprise is taking place online, and those behind the operation aren’t being particularly shy about it. On Saturday (Feb. 13), The Times in the U.K. reported that information...

January 26, 2016
EU Won’t Regulate Bitcoin — For Now

The European Union said Monday (Jan. 25) that it plans to spend its resources monitoring digital currencies, like bitcoin, instead of formally regulating them, Reuters reported. Citing that the virtual...

January 01, 2016
PYMNTS’ 2015 Top 10 Payments Stories

Welcome to 2016. By the time you’re reading this, you’re probably putting most of 2015 behind you — except for crunching those final numbers as the fourth quarter wraps up....

December 11, 2015
Bitcoin’s Big Bust: Unmasking The ‘Real’ Satoshi Nakamoto

Will the real Satoshi Nakamoto please stand up?  Yes, here we go again … The biggest news that’s hit the bitcoin community since it became a thing hit the (virtual) news...

December 08, 2015
Ex-Federal Agent Receives Maximum Sentence For Bitcoin Theft

Despite the potential surrounding bitcoin, the alternative payment method has been beleaguered by skepticism and ties to illegal goods ever since it first launched in early 2009. And many have become...

December 07, 2015
The A, B, Cs Of Payments 2015

Well, here we are – just a few short weeks before 2015 is one for the history books. What a year it’s been. In many ways, 2015 was the year...

November 27, 2015
Black Friday: The Bitcoin Edition

Black Friday + bitcoin = bad news. Or at least that’s what one might think. You know, black market sales, the underground operations, the Dark Web. But that’s not what...

November 25, 2015
Fraudsters: They’re Just Like Us!

Chances are that the things on consumers’ holiday wish lists this year are exactly what fraudsters’ wish for too. Michael Reitblat, Co-founder and CEO of Forter, gave MPD CEO Karen...