Search results for "bitcoin stolen"

April 24, 2015
Politics And Robot Shoppers — This Week In Bitcoin

Politics and bitcoin have a lot in common: both face massive skepticism from the general public. But one politician who hopes to land his name on the 2016 presidential ticket...

April 21, 2015
Liberty Reserve: Serving The Unbanked Or The “Underworld”?

Merchant acquiring can be a competitive and complicated business. New players especially need an angle, an innovation, something to differentiate what and how they serve their merchants. Arthur Budovsky was...

April 03, 2015
Japanese Markets, Swiss Banks and The Dark Web

Despite Japanese regulators’ criticism of bitcoin — and the potential looming ban of the cryptocurrency — the country’s largest eCommerce company, Rakuten has officially sealed the deal to help bitcoin acceptance evolve across its marketplace....

March 21, 2015
From Cows To Mobile – The Ideas That Changed Payments

While the Code of Hammurabi is best known for the “eye for an eye” proclamation, it also deserves credit for being the first recorded instance in history where money was...

March 16, 2015
How Forter Is Fighting Cybercrime

A psychologist, a criminologist and a biologist walk in to a cybersecurity firm reads at first like the setup of an extremely conceptual joke. It is not. It is, however,...

February 23, 2015
Mt Gox Robbery an Inside Job, Report Suggests

New evidence suggests the downfall of the Tokyo based Bitcoin exchange Mt Gox might have been an inside job executed by an automated bot. According to a report released by...

February 20, 2015
Are Bitcoins Funding ISIS?

2015 has been a tough year for bitcoin’s public image. To start, the Silk Road trial wrapped up with a federal conviction for the creator of the bitcoin-run illegal drug marketplace. The...

February 06, 2015
The Alleged Bitcoin Silk Road Hitman Operation

“Everyone knows too much.” — Dread Pirate Roberts, December 2011 The HBO-style drama begins. Did Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht pay $500,000 worth of bitcoins to have five people assassinated to protect...

January 09, 2015
Did 2015 Burst Bitcoin’s Bubble?

Bitcoin Tracker | Week 55 Bitcoin ended 2014 on something of a down note, and so far it doesn’t look like 2015 is going all that much better. Bitcoin dropped...