Search results for "mastercard"

November 27, 2009
Holiday Shopping

SpendingPulse 2009 Holiday Wrap-Up ReportMasterCard Advisors’ SpendingPulse, a macro-economic report tracking national retail and service sales, today provided summary results for the holiday shopping season. 5 Questions on Holiday Spending:...

November 24, 2009
GAO to Congress on Interchange Fee Regulation: Yellow Light

Last week the General Accountability Office (GAO) released it much awaited report on interchange fees. Congress had asked the GAO, the respected investigative arm of Congress, to wade into this...

November 23, 2009
PCI Compliance – To Whom Are You Compliant?

A few years ago, in response to a growing number of data security breaches, the major credit card brands formed the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). Since...

November 18, 2009
AmEx and Revolution Money – What a Difference a Day...

Just two days ago, I posted a question on LinkedIn about the one innovation in 2009 that had the potential to change the landscape for the next 2-3 years. Had...

November 11, 2009
Innovations at the POS

What’s Next with Apriva: An interview with EVP Bill Clark Founded in 1999, Apriva is the leading wireless solutions provider integrating the hardware, software and network infrastructure required to develop...

November 09, 2009
The Invisible Engine Wars: Amazon and PayPal’s App Strategy; Will...

Amazon and PayPal have both announced aggressive efforts to persuade developers to use their payment technologies. Each of them has opened up a gateway into their payment platforms. They are...

November 07, 2009
Credit Where Credit Is Due

The credit card industry has few friends at the moment. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 recently signed into law by President Obama passed the House...

October 18, 2009
Intro to United States

Most American consumers carry several types of payment cards in their wallets. They typically have several credit cards which allow them to revolve payments on the charges they have made...

October 15, 2009
Facebook Hits the “Payvment”

The wars for being the payments vehicle of choice online is heating up with Facebook‘s enormous community being the latest battleground. Should Facebook care? Should Amazon sweat? And where’s Google...

How Nonfinancial Brands Can Benefit From Offering Embedded Financial Services

Embedded finance can help nonfinancial brands reach their full potential by allowing customers to transact seamlessly wherever they are, reducing the risk of cart abandonment online, says Mastercard’s Sherri Haymond. Read more in the “Embedded Finance Tracker®,” a collaboration with Galileo

Friction Within the Bill Payment Experience
Companies Scramble to Simplify Bill Payment Experience for Consumers Count the bill payments experience as another digital box that companies have to check to keep to a customer- at least that’s what 2,099 U.S. consumers said. Details are in the “The One-Stop Bill Pay Playbook: Friction Within the Bill Payment Experience,” report in collaboration with Mastercard.