holiday shopping

Banks And Merchants Tap Behavioral Analytics, Deep Learning to Keep Holiday Fraud in Check
Banks And Merchants Tap Behavioral Analytics, Deep Learning to Keep Holiday Fraud in Check
December 14, 2021  |  Fraud Prevention

The pandemic transformed how holiday shoppers secured items in 2020, and researchers expect these trends to continue during this year’s holiday season. PYMNTS’ findings show...

Shoppers Flock to Amazon to Pick up Holiday Toys
Shoppers Flock to Amazon to Pick up Holiday Toys
December 03, 2021  |  Amazon Commerce

Though clothing dominated both in-store and online purchases on Black Friday, toys and hobby equipment were still among the most purchased items as parents and...

Amazon Offers Deals for Using Payment Service Beyond Its Own Marketplace
Amazon Offers Deals for Using Payment Service Beyond Its Own Marketplace
November 08, 2021  |  Amazon

With holiday shopping underway earlier than ever for many people this year, retailers and brands have been rolling out deals nonstop for weeks, trying to...

Mobile Wallets, Automated Receivables Key to Holiday 2021 Sales Success for Small Business
Mobile Wallets, Automated Receivables Key to Holiday 2021 Sales Success for Small Business
November 04, 2021  |  SMBs

While most small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have shown great interest in innovating their technology, some have misconceptions about cost, time and infrastructure capabilities. Sixty...

Discounts Harder to Find Amid Supply Chain Bottleneck
Discounts Harder to Find Amid Supply Chain Bottleneck
October 25, 2021  |  Retail

The traditional discounts and specials related to the holiday season will be fewer and further between this year as shoppers are likely to pay close...

Dollar Tree Increases Price Point Due to Prolonged Supply Chain Issues
Dollar Tree Increases Price Point Due to Prolonged Supply Chain Issues
October 04, 2021  |  Retail

When Dollar Tree last week said it would begin rolling out price points above $1 on more items, executives said it was meant to help...

Amazon To Offer Beauty Sales Event in October
Amazon To Offer Beauty Sales Event in October
September 16, 2021  |  Amazon Commerce

Amazon is planning to roll out a beauty products event in October to bolster its standing in that category, along with trying to get early...

Holiday 2021: Pent-Up Consumer Demand, Test of In-Store Experience For Retailers
Holiday 2021: Pent-Up Consumer Demand, Test of In-Store Experience For Retailers
September 15, 2021  |  Retail

Rising inflation and the continued spread of COVID-19 may be grabbing headlines and denting consumer sentiment, but former Saks CEO Steve Sadove said he’s confident...

Mastercard Predicts 7.4% Retail Growth During Holiday Shopping Season
Mastercard Predicts 7.4% Retail Growth During Holiday Shopping Season
September 13, 2021  |  Retail

Mastercard has some early cheer for retailers eyeing the 2021 holiday shopping season, according to a press release emailed to PYMNTS. The financial services giant’s...