Karen Webster

The Vicious Circle Of Physical Retail Meets The Virtuous Circle of Digital
The Vicious Circle Of Physical Retail Meets The Virtuous Circle of Digital
July 06, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

If your business touches retail in any way, it might pay to follow a few important breadcrumbs. Nike posted its lowest quarterly sales in two...

New Report: How A Global Pandemic Created A Digital-First Customer In 12 Weeks
New Report: How A Global Pandemic Created A Digital-First Customer In 12 Weeks
June 29, 2020  |  Coronavirus

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Then, cases in the U.S. had hit 1267 and there were 38...

Why Digital’s 3.0 Shift May Take Longer Than We Think
Why Digital’s 3.0 Shift May Take Longer Than We Think
June 15, 2020  |  eCommerce

There is an out-and-out frenzy to capitalize on the pandemic-fueled digital shift that gave consumers few options for accessing products and services over the last...

The Rise Of Card-On-File Commerce
The Rise Of Card-On-File Commerce
June 01, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

Gas stations are encouraging it. Many Main Street SMBs, local restaurants and designer boutiques are doing it for the first time. Fitness clubs have been...

The Flaw In Demonizing Big Tech
The Flaw In Demonizing Big Tech
May 26, 2020  |  Regulation

Between all the burger-flipping, and making sure your mask didn’t catch fire while you were doing it, you probably missed an important development that happened...

The Big Jump: Pandemics And The Connected Economy’s Bigger, Faster Future
The Big Jump: Pandemics And The Connected Economy’s Bigger, Faster Future
May 11, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

To understand when and how consumer demand will return and the impact it will have on federal and state efforts to reopen the economy, we...

Why Consumers Aren’t In A Rush To Reopen The Economy
Why Consumers Aren’t In A Rush To Reopen The Economy
May 04, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Economists, policymakers and epidemiologists have been modeling the cost/benefit of reopening the U.S. economy since governors began asking their citizens to #stayathome in mid-March, and...

Why Reopening The US Economy Should Be About Reinventing It
Why Reopening The US Economy Should Be About Reinventing It
April 27, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Never has one letter of the alphabet been such a hot topic of conversation. That letter — V — has become the proxy for how...

When, How And Why Consumers Will Change Post-COVID-19
When, How And Why Consumers Will Change Post-COVID-19
April 20, 2020  |  Coronavirus

For weeks now, American consumers and businesses – everyone everywhere, really – have been desperate for the answers to three questions: Are we flattening the...