security and fraud

SWIFT Seeks Outside Guidance On Improving Cybersecurity
SWIFT Seeks Outside Guidance On Improving Cybersecurity
July 11, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Cybersecurity firm BAE System and Fox-It are working with SWIFT to shore up the interbank messaging system that has recently become the target of hackers worldwide....

PCI Council Creates New Cyberattack Resources For SMBs
PCI Council Creates New Cyberattack Resources For SMBs
July 08, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Aiming to help small businesses protect themselves from payment data theft, the PCI Security Standards Council Small Merchant Taskforce announced Thursday (July 7) that it has...

Can Smartwatches Make ATM PINs Open To Hackers?
Can Smartwatches Make ATM PINs Open To Hackers?
July 08, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Time and time again, hackers have proven to be one step ahead. From bitcoin ransoms to EMV security, there are few areas that are out...

London Stock Exchange Lands On Anonymous’ Hit List
London Stock Exchange Lands On Anonymous’ Hit List
June 07, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

In May, hacktivist group Anonymous warned multiple financial institutions that it was going to take them down as part of Operation Icarus. Late last week, on...

Combating Risk By Changing With It
Combating Risk By Changing With It
May 02, 2016  |  Risk Management

The role of chief risk officer is an ever-evolving one and calls for a comprehensive understanding of the threats facing a business, as well as...