Test Pilot news and trends

Firefox Gets Into Browser-Based Deal Tracking Business
Merchant Innovation // November 13, 2018

Mozilla has announced that the Firefox Test Pilot team is launching Price Wise and Email Tabs in time for the holiday season, giving users more choice and transparency when shopping online. “These game-changing desktop tools are sure to make shopping a breeze with more options...

Quick Reads
Waymo Returns Its Self-Driving Trucks To Arizona

May 30, 2019
Waymo‘s self-driving trucks are making a return to Arizona. The company’s self-driving, Class 8, big-rig trucks haven’t been in the state for more than a year, though they were first tested in Arizona in August 2017. That initial project was stopped later on that year. Now, the Alphabet-owned company is ready to launch a more […]

Firefox Gets Into Browser-Based Deal Tracking Business

November 13, 2018
Mozilla has announced that the Firefox Test Pilot team is launching Price Wise and Email Tabs in time for the holiday season, giving users more choice and transparency when shopping...