Payments Innovation

Payments Innovation
Pay At The Table Gets A Makeover
February 19, 2016

What happens when you turn the check register into an electronic payments device capable of accepting any payment method that a consumer might want to use? Restaurant sales go up $1,000 a month. That’s what Steve McKean, President and COO at TableSafe, told PYMNTS about...

The Expanding Options Of ISV Payment Solutions
February 18, 2016

As long-gestating technologies are beginning to gain traction and present a clearer picture of the payments landscape, Bill Lodes, SVP Business Development & Strategy at First American Payment Systems, shares with MPD CEO Karen Webster the unique role that independent software providers (ISVs) will play...

Payments That Go Beyond Payments
February 17, 2016

The term “Payments-as-a-Service” is starting to get thrown around a lot, but not everyone in the industry has a complete understanding of the concept. Henry Helgeson, Co-Founder and CEO of Cayan, tells MPD CEO Karen Webster why he believes his company has hit upon a...

The Benefits Of Bottom-Up (Payments) Innovation
February 09, 2016

Top down innovation is expensive and often conceived by industry insiders, says Moneytree CEO Paul Chapman. If you want consumers to follow the innovation breadcrumbs that you drop, then Chapman says start at the bottom with what consumers like to use and creatively refashion existing...

Payments Innovation
Visa’s Developer Platform Begins With An ‘I’
February 05, 2016

Developers looking to get their innovation payments-enabled and widely distributed have a number of options from which to choose. But with the launch of Visa’s Developer Platform, Visa EVP of Technology Rajat Taneja explains to MPD CEO Karen Webster that creating game changing innovations starts...

Gateways That Grow With Technology
February 01, 2016

Advancements in technology often mean the end of payment gateways. But USAePay, which has been around since 1998, stands as an example of how companies in the space can thrive by adopting innovations in the realms of omnichannel and security. CEO Ben Goretsky shares his...

Payments Innovation
How Developers Are Putting Data To Work
January 27, 2016

Harnessing the power of data and data analytics is vital to creating opportunities for advancement and innovation within the payments landscape – and developers are pushing this notion forward. This month’s edition of the PYMNTS Developer Tracker, powered by Vantiv, examines how developers are helping...

Empowering SMBs With Openness
January 11, 2016

New technologies are rapidly changing the way small and mid-size merchants approach the point of sale, but are more options always a good thing? Matt Taylor, Group President of Integrated Payments and Emerging Channels at Vantiv, sat down with PYMNTS to discuss what an open...

Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Apple and Payments
January 08, 2016

As of the writing of this, something truly unusual is going on. Apple’s stock is trading at less than $100 a share.   Certainly the team in Cupertino is not the only one feeling the market’s wrath this week, but it does serve as an...