Olympics Payment Partner Visa Embraces ‘Cashless Japan’
July 24, 2019

Visa is exploring state-of-the-art payment experiences at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo to support “Cashless Japan.”  The mandate handed down by Japan’s lawmakers strives to increase the total of digital payments from 20 percent to 40 percent by 2025, Visa said in a press release on...

Visa Will Follow Russian Payments Law Despite US Sanctions
July 12, 2019

Visa will comply with a Russian law that says international payments systems have to process transactions for the country despite U.S. sanctions, according to reports. Visa said Russia is an important market for the company in terms of strategy, and the new law won’t make...

Visa Launches Installment APIs For Issuers And Merchants
June 27, 2019

The installment lending playing field just got more interesting — and global — today (June 27). Visa announced that it will bring the power and ubiquity of installment lending to digital and physical points of sale (POS) through application program interfaces (APIs) that support the...

Visa Buys Rambus Payments To Tokenize Any Transaction On Any Network
June 25, 2019

In the battle against payments fraud, tokenization offers a strong arrow in the quiver. Visa announces today (June 25) that it has acquired the token and ticketing services technology of Rambus. Visa’s TS Anil, senior vice president and global head of payment products & platforms,...

Visa, AI And The $25B Fraudsters Never Got
June 18, 2019

Cybercrime is both pervasive and expensive, as modern problems go. According to reports, citing the University of Maryland, there is an attempted hack every 39 seconds. By some estimates, cybercrime will have cost the world $6 trillion by 2021 in damaged and destroyed data, stolen money,...

Visa’s Sensory Branding Goes Global
June 17, 2019

Today (June 17) Visa is announcing that their sensory branding suite is in over two dozen countries care of a dozen new partnerships. Visa’s sensory branding suite of products includes a sound, animation and haptic cues for consumers and merchants when a Visa transaction is...

Visa Advanced Authorization Blocks $25 Billion In Fraud
June 17, 2019

Visa has rolled out internal data that indicates its artificial intelligence (AI)-based Advanced Authorization (VAA) security product has helped issuers prevent an estimated $25 billion in annual fraud. VAA is a risk management tool that monitors and evaluates transactions over VisaNet in real time to...

Visa Launches Visa B2B Connect In 30+ Markets
June 11, 2019

Almost two years in the making, Visa B2B Connect makes its official launch, with a rollout across 30 countries. Kevin Phalen, head of Global Business Solutions at Visa, tells Karen Webster that it uses DLT to underpin a network, built from the ground up, that brings...

Visa’s Shrauger On What’s Next (And Why Now) For Visa Next
June 10, 2019

A few weeks ago, card giant Visa debuted Visa Next, bringing a wealth of broad API functionality to issuing banks and partners. Sam Shrauger, SVP of digital solutions at Visa, walks Karen Webster through the roadmap of use cases and what’s next for Visa Next.