Visa Checkout Hits 1 Million Enrolled Milestone In UK
January 31, 2018

Visa announced news on Wednesday (Jan. 31) that Visa Checkout, the online payment method introduced in the United Kingdom in the middle of 2017, hit a milestone by securing 1 million customer accounts. The company said the U.K. is now among the fastest-growing markets for...

Visa CEO Says Bitcoin Not A Payments Player
January 18, 2018

Visa’s Chief Executive Alfred Kelly expressed skepticism about the cryptocurrency bitcoin, reportedly saying it’s not money and that the payment company won’t get involved with it. Citing comments the CEO made at a National Retail Federation (NRF) conference this week, CNBC reported news that Kelly said...

Visa: Data Will Deliver Payments And Commerce 2.0
January 16, 2018

Anyone who’s ever checked into a hotel knows the drill. Traveler, usually tired traveler, walks through the front door, approaches the front desk to check in, presents a method of payment and form of ID to authenticate herself, and is then presented with her room...

Visa: What’s Driving Automotive’s Great Commerce Shift
January 15, 2018

The automotive world is on the precipice of a major change – a shifting of its gears, to use a fitting metaphor. And mostly because it doesn’t have a choice. Travel back in time but a few years ago, and the buzz among automotive OEMs was...

Visa Makes Signature Optional For Chip Transactions In North America
January 12, 2018

No more signatures. Visa said Jan. 12 in a blog post that it is making the signature an option — and no longer a requirement — for EMV chip-enabled merchants across North America. That shift, for contact or contactless chip card payments, goes into effect in...

Visa Nixes Crypto Debit Cards
January 08, 2018

Visa, the payments company, has terminated its relationship with WaveCrest, a cryptocurrency card provider. Citing an email from WaveCrest, CNBC reported the company said it has been forced to close all Visa cards, which left thousands of people with declined transactions and worries about how...

Visa Checkout’s 28M Users Can Now Shop On BigCommerce
December 21, 2017

BigCommerce, the cloud eCommerce platform, and Visa, the payments company, announced news on Wednesday (Dec. 20) of a new partnership in which Visa Checkout is coming to BigCommerce merchants. In a press release, the companies said more than 55,000 small- and mid-sized retailers can now...

Visa Says Chip Cards Reduced Counterfeit Fraud By 66 Percent
December 19, 2017

Visa, the payments company, revealed Monday (Dec. 18) in an infographic that counterfeit fraud is down in the U.S. at merchants that are using chip-enabled cards. According to the Visa press release, counterfeit fraud at U.S. chip-enabled merchants was down 66 percent in June of...

Visa Survey Shows Consumers Prefer Biometrics Over Passwords
December 15, 2017

Visa, the payments company, found in a new survey that consumers in America are interested in biometrics technology because of its convenience. In a press release on Thursday (Dec. 14), Visa said, based on a survey of 1,000 Americans, that biometric authentications — including fingerprint scanners, facial and...