SendFriend CEO Says It’s Time To Get Serious About Compliance 
SendFriend CEO Says It’s Time To Get Serious About Compliance 
February 21, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Today’s challenging climate has businesses prioritizing investments in systems deemed crucial for the long haul. This, as research in PYMNTS’ 2023 “B2B Payments Fraud Tracker”...

Discover to Track Sales at Gun Stores in April
Discover to Track Sales at Gun Stores in April
February 21, 2023  |  Credit Cards

Discover will allow its network to track sales at gun sellers starting in April. The card network is apparently the first to publicly give a...

Embedded Finance Helps Small Businesses Benefit From ‘Real-Time’ Cash Acceleration
Embedded Finance Helps Small Businesses Benefit From ‘Real-Time’ Cash Acceleration
February 21, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

For small businesses, right now the only certainty is uncertainty.   Priority Technology Holdings CEO Tom Priore told Karen Webster that a few things are indeed...

Why Digital Identity is About More Than Fighting Fraud
Why Digital Identity is About More Than Fighting Fraud
February 21, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Digital identity used to be something that people considered “just tick-the-boxes” technology.  But as Steve Durney, vice president of strategy at Prove, told PYMNTS, forward-thinking...

Spend Management 2.0 Is Connected and Contextual
Spend Management 2.0 Is Connected and Contextual
February 21, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Holistic visibility over a business is what best positions organizational leaders to grow that business. After all, executives must first see costs to cut them,...

72% of Financial Execs Think Customers Would Leave for Richer Receipt Experience
72% of Financial Execs Think Customers Would Leave for Richer Receipt Experience
February 21, 2023  |  Data

Even bleeding-edge firms face implementation issues integrating item-level receipt data into their operations. Research in the 2023 playbook “Meeting the Need for Item-Level Receipt Data:...

FinTechs Help Global Firms ‘Go Digital’ in Latin America
FinTechs Help Global Firms ‘Go Digital’ in Latin America
February 21, 2023  |  Latin America

Latin America is in the midst of a historical digital commerce boom. The region’s market of small- to mid-sized businesses and professionals that offer digital...

Uncertain Economy Forces Consumer-Centric Focus, Says LendingClub
Uncertain Economy Forces Consumer-Centric Focus, Says LendingClub
February 21, 2023  |  Opinion

The payments industry must be more consumer-centric in the face of an uncertain economy, LendingClub Financial Health Officer Anuj Nayar writes in the new PYMNTS...

Digital Platforms Bring Amazon Effect to Healthcare Payments and Providers
Digital Platforms Bring Amazon Effect to Healthcare Payments and Providers
February 21, 2023  |  Healthcare

It’s a jungle out there — of healthcare provider and insurance payer portals — and that’s a lot of trouble to go to when accessing...