UK Store Closures Hit 5-Year High
UK Store Closures Hit 5-Year High
January 02, 2023  |  Retail

More than 17,000 retail stores closed shop in the United Kingdom in 2022.  The Centre for Retail Research reported Monday (Jan. 2) that there were...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Bringing Wholesale Improvements to Cross-Border Payments
PYMNTS Intelligence: Bringing Wholesale Improvements to Cross-Border Payments
January 02, 2023  |  Blockchain

As central banks roll out central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) for both wholesale and retail use cases, public-private partnerships are expected to play a pivotal role. This...

4 Trends Shaping EMEA Banking Sector in 2023
4 Trends Shaping EMEA Banking Sector in 2023
January 02, 2023  |  Banking

In this article, PYMNTS analyzes trends shaping the banking sector in the EMEA region. Zooming in on the different subregions shows that the EMEA banking...

Last-Mile Delivery Can Get a Lift From Payments Modernization
Last-Mile Delivery Can Get a Lift From Payments Modernization
January 02, 2023  |  Delivery

Last-mile delivery helped determine whether your holidays were joyous or not. Late packages mean fewer items for the kids or the parents to go around...

CE 100 Index Down 35% as Tech Stocks End a Terrible 2022  
CE 100 Index Down 35% as Tech Stocks End a Terrible 2022  
January 02, 2023  |  Connected Economy

For connected economy and tech stocks, the good news is that 2022 is finally over. The CE 100 Index managed to eke out slight gains...

Subscription Business Braces for the Unknowns of 2023
Subscription Business Braces for the Unknowns of 2023
January 02, 2023  |  Subscription Commerce

It’s been a year of transitions for the subscription business, creating question marks for 2023. Invoking “the great unsubscribe” became commonplace in 2022 as inflation-beset...

Majority of Americans Unhappy With Annual Salary, Considering Switching Jobs
Majority of Americans Unhappy With Annual Salary, Considering Switching Jobs
January 02, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

Nearly two-thirds of consumers say they’re working jobs that don’t meet their annual salary requirements. And 30% of those consumers say they plan to leave...

Central Banks Pursue CBDCs in 2023 but Diverge on Design
Central Banks Pursue CBDCs in 2023 but Diverge on Design
January 02, 2023  |  CBDC

Central banks around the world have diverged in the design of CBDCs. As the investigation phase of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) digital euro project...

Metaverse Meltdown Looks Poised to Continue into 2023
Metaverse Meltdown Looks Poised to Continue into 2023
January 01, 2023  |  Metaverse

New year, new opportunity — but for the metaverse meltdown, well, that seems poised to continue. By the looks of it, the metaverse (and Meta’s...