Move Over Millennials: The Beauty Industry Wants Buyers With More Spending Power
Move Over Millennials: The Beauty Industry Wants Buyers With More Spending Power
April 11, 2023  |  Retail

The beauty industry is constantly seeking out innovative ways to enhance its bottom line. As a result, the sector is exploring new avenues to increase...

Innovative Eyewear Debuts ChatGPT-Enabled Glasses
Innovative Eyewear Debuts ChatGPT-Enabled Glasses
April 11, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Last month saw predictions that ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology would soon be “in everything.” That “everything” now apparently includes eyewear. Innovative Eyewear, which makes...

Big Banks Earnings Projected to Show $100 Billion in Withdrawals
Big Banks Earnings Projected to Show $100 Billion in Withdrawals
April 11, 2023  |  Banking

America’s banking giants are expected to reveal a huge outflow of cash in the days ahead. As the Financial Times (FT) reported Tuesday (April 11),...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Solve Bill Pay Challenges
PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Solve Bill Pay Challenges
April 11, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

Americans pay trillions of dollars in bills each year, but this everyday process is far from seamless. A PYMNTS study found that 52% of consumers...

Chamber Says Businesses Increasingly Feel Threatened by Regulations
Chamber Says Businesses Increasingly Feel Threatened by Regulations
April 11, 2023  |  Regulation

U.S. companies are more worried about the government impacting profits than a decade ago. A new study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — the...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Benefits Abound for Merchants Undertaking Payments Modernization
PYMNTS Intelligence: Benefits Abound for Merchants Undertaking Payments Modernization
April 11, 2023  |  Payments Innovation

As physical locations closed or access to them became otherwise restricted during the pandemic, companies had to pivot to digital channels to survive. Even stores...

Visa+ Gives Consumers Option to Send P2P Payments to Anyone
Visa+ Gives Consumers Option to Send P2P Payments to Anyone
April 11, 2023  |  Payment Methods

We’ve all done this dance.   You want to send money to another person — you have a Venmo account, but they don’t. They have a...

Lending Is Ripe for an Instant Disbursements Transformation
Lending Is Ripe for an Instant Disbursements Transformation
April 11, 2023  |  Loans

As inflation rises and recession looms, consumers are anxious about their finances. With 48% of consumers less likely to take out a loan since interest...

Credit Unions Weigh Cryptocurrency’s Effects on Member Loyalty
Credit Unions Weigh Cryptocurrency’s Effects on Member Loyalty
April 11, 2023  |  Credit Unions

Nearly one-third of United States consumers own cryptocurrency, and consumers who own crypto consider it when making various financial decisions. For example, 45% of crypto...