Presto CEO Says ChatGPT Pact Shows Where Restaurant Drive-Thru Is Headed
Presto CEO Says ChatGPT Pact Shows Where Restaurant Drive-Thru Is Headed
April 11, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

The planets are aligning around voice artificial intelligence (AI) as everyday business use cases begin to build, perhaps nowhere more so than at the restaurant...

UnitedHealth Group Acquires New York-Based Physician Group
UnitedHealth Group Acquires New York-Based Physician Group
April 10, 2023  |  Healthcare

UnitedHealth Group has reportedly acquired New York-based Crystal Run Healthcare. Crystal Run Healthcare is a physician group with a network of 400 doctors, and UnitedHealth...

Alibaba May Launch AI Chatbot April 11
Alibaba May Launch AI Chatbot April 11
April 10, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Alibaba may formally launch an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Tuesday (April 11). The tech giant is holding an Alibaba Cloud Summit event on that day...

Healthcare Industry Could Be Generative AI’s Biggest Proving Ground 
Healthcare Industry Could Be Generative AI’s Biggest Proving Ground 
April 10, 2023  |  Healthcare

Nowhere are innovative breakthroughs more impactful and life-changing than in healthcare and medicine. At the same time as certain technology leaders are calling for a pause on...

Consumers May Pull In Spending as Outlook for Credit Access Dims
Consumers May Pull In Spending as Outlook for Credit Access Dims
April 10, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

Credit is harder to come by. And that means a lifeline for consumers — and the businesses reliant upon them — is not as dependable...

Amazon Charging New Fees on Some Returns
Amazon Charging New Fees on Some Returns
April 10, 2023  |  Amazon

Amazon customers will reportedly be charged a fee for some returns to UPS Stores. The tech giant is applying the new fee in cases in...

First Citizens Community Bank Parent Gains Regulatory Approvals for Acquisition
First Citizens Community Bank Parent Gains Regulatory Approvals for Acquisition
April 10, 2023  |  Acquisitions

Citizens Financial Services’ previously announced acquisition of HV Bancorp has received requisite regulatory approvals. The acquisition, which was announced in October and was subject to...

Report Highlights FTX’s Odd Practices Around Security and Financial Controls
Report Highlights FTX’s Odd Practices Around Security and Financial Controls
April 10, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

FTX-affiliated Alameda Research was “hilariously beyond any threshold” of auditors, Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly said. That comment in an internal email before the bankruptcy filings of...

‘Critical Audit Matters’ Standard Failed to Highlight Bank Risks
‘Critical Audit Matters’ Standard Failed to Highlight Bank Risks
April 10, 2023  |  Banking

The “critical audit matters” standard reportedly failed to catch key issues in the recent bank failures. The standard, introduced in 2017 and meant to make...