73% of Families With Kids Cut Grocery Spend as Food Prices Remain High
73% of Families With Kids Cut Grocery Spend as Food Prices Remain High
April 10, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

PYMNTS research finds consumers are putting deals first when it comes to grocery shopping. Despite inflation’s incremental, uneven shift down, consumers remain wary about when...

Curbside-Only eGrocer Promises Last-Minute Flexibility for Convenience Seekers
Curbside-Only eGrocer Promises Last-Minute Flexibility for Convenience Seekers
April 10, 2023  |  Retail

As retailers seek ways to make eGrocery profitable, curbside-only stores are emerging. In an interview with PYMNTS, Alex Ruhter, co-founder and CEO of curbside grocer...

Amazon Ups Its Share of Health and Personal Care Spend to 6.1% in Q4 2022
Amazon Ups Its Share of Health and Personal Care Spend to 6.1% in Q4 2022
April 10, 2023  |  Retail

Amazon is closing in on one of Walmart’s traditional areas of dominance — consumer spending on personal health items — as the two titans continue their...

Digital Currency Monetary Authority Debuts International CBDC
Digital Currency Monetary Authority Debuts International CBDC
April 10, 2023  |  CBDC

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority has unveiled a digital coin designed to speed cross-border transactions. Introduced Monday (April 10) at the spring meeting of the...

SoFi Student Loans Suit Spotlights Platform Model’s Resilience and Vulnerabilities
SoFi Student Loans Suit Spotlights Platform Model’s Resilience and Vulnerabilities
April 10, 2023  |  Digital Payments

The push and pull on student loans has spotlighted SoFi’s digital platform model and the emergence of online financial service ecosystems. As widely reported, SoFi...

New FTX Report Highlights Importance of Treasury Management
New FTX Report Highlights Importance of Treasury Management
April 10, 2023  |  Spend Management

The first interim report by the FTX Debtors published Sunday (April 9) takes harsh aim at the FTX Group’s profound lack of appropriate documentation and...

e& Invests $400 Million in Uber’s Careem Super App Spinout
e& Invests $400 Million in Uber’s Careem Super App Spinout
April 10, 2023  |  Investments

Technology and investment group e& has acquired a majority stake in the Careem super app. With the firm’s investment of $400 million — the completion of which is subject...

China’s Central Bank Warns Against ChatGPT ‘Data Leaks’
China’s Central Bank Warns Against ChatGPT ‘Data Leaks’
April 10, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

China’s state-sponsored payments association is warning against the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The Payment & Clearing Association of China on Monday (April...

2023 Travel Outlook May Be Dimming as Prices Clash With Layoffs and Inflation
2023 Travel Outlook May Be Dimming as Prices Clash With Layoffs and Inflation
April 10, 2023  |  Travel Payments

Even as pent-up travel demand was unleashed throughout 2022 with airlines and lodgings firms reporting strong performance and outlook, the word “uncertainty” was used a...