23% of Working Americans Now Have Side Hustles
23% of Working Americans Now Have Side Hustles
April 07, 2023  |  Economy

The side hustle has never been more germane to the U.S. consumer, as large numbers of employed people have taken on extra work in the...

GoDaddy Releases Prompts That Make Generative AI Tools Business Consultants
GoDaddy Releases Prompts That Make Generative AI Tools Business Consultants
April 07, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

GoDaddy has released prompts small business owners can use with generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The new Small Business Generative AI Prompt Library includes prompts...

McDonald’s Lays off Hundreds of Corporate Employees Amid Restructuring
McDonald’s Lays off Hundreds of Corporate Employees Amid Restructuring
April 07, 2023  |  Personnel

A weeklong, multipart series of layoffs and other changes reportedly impacted hundreds of McDonald’s employees. As part of its restructuring, the quick-service restaurant (QSR) chain...

Shipping Sector Finds Smarter Ways to Operate Using Generative AI
Shipping Sector Finds Smarter Ways to Operate Using Generative AI
April 07, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

There is nothing simple about moving goods from point A to point B. The logistics space is not only fundamental to the conveniences of modern...

Prism Adds Origination Services to Lending Platform for Tech Startups
Prism Adds Origination Services to Lending Platform for Tech Startups
April 07, 2023  |  Loans

Prism has added origination services to its lending platform tailored to startup tech companies and employees. The company aims to help employees at startups access...

Amazon Closes the Book on Book Depository, Underscoring eCommerce’s Evolution 
Amazon Closes the Book on Book Depository, Underscoring eCommerce’s Evolution 
April 07, 2023  |  Amazon

Every so often, we get a reminder of how far we’ve come — and where we’ve come from. It’s hard to recall, at least for...

Kasheesh Adds Mobile Wallet Feature to Payment-Splitting Platform
Kasheesh Adds Mobile Wallet Feature to Payment-Splitting Platform
April 07, 2023  |  Mobile Payments

Kasheesh has launched a feature that lets consumers use its payment-splitting platform in physical stores. The new Mobile Wallet Dashboard allows users to generate a...

Asia Innovations Group Adds AI-Powered Capabilities to eCommerce Platform
Asia Innovations Group Adds AI-Powered Capabilities to eCommerce Platform
April 07, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Asia Innovations Group (ASIG) has added artificial intelligence (AI)-powered capabilities to its eCommerce platform. The Singapore-based company’s international online marketplace, Hekka, now uses its own...

Former Google CEO Says Industry Must Develop AI ‘Guardrails’
Former Google CEO Says Industry Must Develop AI ‘Guardrails’
April 07, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

Former Google head Eric Schmidt opposes a six-month pause of artificial intelligence (AI) experiments. While the concerns about AI are legitimate — and may even...