Commercials Return to Streaming Platforms and Reshape Brand Strategy
Commercials Return to Streaming Platforms and Reshape Brand Strategy
April 07, 2023  |  Streaming

When streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu first emerged, they quickly fueled a consumer behavior shift where sitting through commercials was no longer acceptable and...

Businesses Fast-Track B2B Payments Digitization to Boost Growth
Businesses Fast-Track B2B Payments Digitization to Boost Growth
April 07, 2023  |  Payments Innovation

Merchants have gradually transitioned toward payment digitization for several decades, but these efforts have gained momentum in recent years. Companies are rapidly replacing legacy payment...

Real-Time Payments Gives Consumers Better Way to Manage Paying Bills
Real-Time Payments Gives Consumers Better Way to Manage Paying Bills
April 07, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

United States households pay more than $3 trillion in bills each year, including mortgage, rent, auto loans, utilities, cable and a host of other services,...

FlexPay CEO: Proposed ‘Click to Cancel’ Subscription Rule Could Harm Good Actors
FlexPay CEO: Proposed ‘Click to Cancel’ Subscription Rule Could Harm Good Actors
April 07, 2023  |  Subscriptions

Almost no one doubts that some subscription companies make it difficult for their customers to cancel. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is recommending a streamlined...

Only 26% of Main Street Businesses Have Access to 60 Days of Cash
Only 26% of Main Street Businesses Have Access to 60 Days of Cash
April 07, 2023  |  SMBs

  Main Street USA is operating on the edge, and most are concerned about the impacts of inflation and the uncertain economic forecast. Most small...

EU Early-Stage Startups Benefit From VC Dry Powder
EU Early-Stage Startups Benefit From VC Dry Powder
April 07, 2023  |  Startups

In a challenging macroeconomic market that has led to a sharpened focus on belt-tightening, FinTech firms are under mounting pressure from investors to pivot from...

Robinhood Reaches $10.2 Million Settlement on March 2020 Platform Outage
Robinhood Reaches $10.2 Million Settlement on March 2020 Platform Outage
April 06, 2023  |  Regulation

Robinhood has reached a settlement with state securities regulators regarding operational and technical failures. The $10.2 million settlement includes the platform’s outages in March 2020...

Treasury Department Says DeFi Services Must Improve AML/CFT Controls
Treasury Department Says DeFi Services Must Improve AML/CFT Controls
April 06, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Vulnerabilities in decentralized finance (DeFi) are enabling criminals to transfer and launder illicit proceeds. Both providers of DeFi services and the United States government can...

Tillerman Launches Tool That Streamlines Gaining Insights From POS Data
Tillerman Launches Tool That Streamlines Gaining Insights From POS Data
April 06, 2023  |  Point of Sale

Tillerman has launched a tool that makes it easier to use point-of-sale (POS) data. Designed for retail brands and wholesalers, the new Tillerman Insight provides...