PayPal Unlocks Enterprise Merchant Features for Small Business With Advanced Checkout Upgrades
PayPal Unlocks Enterprise Merchant Features for Small Business With Advanced Checkout Upgrades
April 04, 2023  |  Payment Methods

Online merchants have long used PayPal and Venmo to drive checkouts. But in the current macro environment, for smaller online sellers to move beyond the...

Shoppers Compare Grocery Prices to Choose Merchants
Shoppers Compare Grocery Prices to Choose Merchants
April 04, 2023  |  Retail

As inflation chips away at shopper loyalty, grocers must become more aware of competitors’ pricing. In an interview with PYMNTS, Sean Turner, co-founder and CTO...

LevaData Debuts Update of Supply Management Platform
LevaData Debuts Update of Supply Management Platform
April 04, 2023  |  Supply Chain

LevaData has made it easier for clients to track spending and lead time. The supply management firm has updated its artificial intelligence (AI)-powered platform that...

PhonePe Launches eCommerce App Built on India’s ONDC Network
PhonePe Launches eCommerce App Built on India’s ONDC Network
April 04, 2023  |  Retail

Payments platform PhonePe has launched an eCommerce app built on India’s ONDC network. The new Pincode app launched Tuesday (April 4) in Bengalaru and will...

Bunq Hopes to Bring EU Neobanking to the US
Bunq Hopes to Bring EU Neobanking to the US
April 04, 2023  |  Digital Banking

European neobank Bunq has applied to bring its business to “digital nomads” in the U.S. The company announced Wednesday (April 4) that it had applied...

Paying for Verified Blue Checkmarks Could Hurt Brands and Retailers
Paying for Verified Blue Checkmarks Could Hurt Brands and Retailers
April 04, 2023  |  Retail

After acquiring Twitter for $44 billion in 2022, Elon Musk publicized the idea of paying for the coveted blue checkmark, which was met with mixed...

PSCU Debuts AI-Driven Fraud Decisioning Tool
PSCU Debuts AI-Driven Fraud Decisioning Tool
April 04, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Credit union service organization PSCU has unveiled a tool to ferret out fraudulent transactions. The Intelligent Fraud Decisioning Solution uses cognitive artificial intelligence (AI) and...

Apple Cuts Small Number of Jobs Amid Broader Tech Layoffs
Apple Cuts Small Number of Jobs Amid Broader Tech Layoffs
April 04, 2023  |  Retail

Apple is reportedly eliminating some retail jobs as it looks to cut costs. Until now, there were signs the tech giant was attempting to avoid...

Solo Brands CEO Leans on In-Store Experience to Drive Customer Loyalty
Solo Brands CEO Leans on In-Store Experience to Drive Customer Loyalty
April 04, 2023  |  Retail

The prevailing trend that has emerged from recent earnings reports is retailers’ emphasis on prioritizing core products, core customers and customer loyalty. Although not entirely...