Karen Webster’s Eight Pivotal Strategies for Payments and the Digital Economy in 2024

What anyone with a stake in payments and the digital economy should have on their to-do list in 2024.

Inside This Report
  • One: Companies monetize certainty as businesses and consumers prize predictability.
  • Two: Shopping shifts from buying to editing as replenishment models change retail dynamics.
  • Three: GenAI becomes a feature, and everything has a conversational front end.
  • Four: Platforms gain power as point solutions seek distribution, businesses say no to “another” integration and consumers crave curation.
  • Five: Investors and executives get back to basics as “that vision thing” takes a back seat.
  • Six: Money mobility powers new ecosystems and disrupts payment network economics.
  • Seven: AI-native startups marginalize the role of incumbents.
  • Eight: Brands date GenZ, but they marry boomers.