Digitizing Unattended Retail Payments

Unattended Retail Seeks Solution To Fragmented Loyalty Efforts Unattended retail solutions are perfect for contactless and on the go purchases, yet they lack the consumer engagement that other retail outlets enjoy. In the Digitizing Unattended Retail Payments Report, Crane Payment Innovations’ Doug Haddon explains how a single loyalty program across all unattended retail operators could help drive engagement and greater uptake.
Inside The April Report
  • An interview with Douglas Haddon, vice president of global connectivity strategy and project management for automated payment and retail merchandising solutions provider Crane Payment Innovations, on how the pandemic has made contactless payment acceptance a must-have for merchants and the challenges standing in the way of increased consumer adoption
  • The latest unattended retail developments, including how 49 percent of U.S. consumers say they use self-checkout kiosks almost all of the time and how boosting customer satisfaction with self-service can give retailers a competitive edge
  • A Deep Dive analyzing the rise of unattended technologies during the pandemic and how they have helped merchants drive sales as consumers look to shop safely

B2B and Digital Payments