While Chinese eCommerce giant Alibaba recently made moves to encourage businesses to run their operations entirely on smartphones, the rise of B2B mobile apps suggests that businesses may be shifting in this direction anyway. The latest app to emerge onto the enterprise scene is Dash, developed by Karmic Labs.
Karmic announced Wednesday (April 22) that Dash has emerged from beta phase and will now be launched to serve more business customers with its cash flow management service. According to a press release, Karmic said that Dash offers automated financing tools, real-time money transfers and set spending limits for expense-related procedures.
The program operates with an application program interface (API) platform to facilitate payment processing, merging Software-as-a-Service with card issuance and payments tools.
“These APIs knock down traditional barriers to the payments industry and redefine existing applications,” said Dash CEO and Co-Founder Ryan Weidenmiller, adding that newer SaaS APIs related to card services will see more rollouts this year.
Dash has been operating in beta phase since last November, the company said. According to Weidenmiller, even in beta the program provided a shift in efficacy for companies using the tool. “Organizations can control cash flow in a number of new ways while also significantly improving productivity, saving both time and money,” he said. “Organizations no longer have to buy third-party expense management software that may take days to sync transactions.”
The SaaS market has risen largely in response to demand for more efficient cash flow management tools. But thanks to the innovation of these developers, there are multiple faces to these emerging cash flow apps. Some products, like Yodlee, offer real-time and predictive financial analytics for businesses. Others, like Xero, offer an updated method for bill pay and payroll to reduce the lag time seen in businesses that use outdated tools like spreadsheets and faxes.