
Certifying Employee Spend Before The Expense Report

When it comes to managing employee spend, rogue purchases can be a struggle for a business whose employees travel. But sometimes, an employee doesn’t intentionally spend too much on a business trip or go out of line on expenses. The struggle for an employee to remember and manage all corporate restrictions can be a difficult one, and if an employee makes a purchase that’s not allowed, they may not find out until weeks later.

Travel and expense management tool Certify wants to make it easier for corporate travelers to know when they’re spending outside company guidelines, even when they’re on the go.

On Thursday (Oct. 29) the company rolled out its Certify Mobile Instant Policy Check tool, a service that automatically checks to see whether corporate travel expenses are within company policy.

According to Certify, as much as 60 percent of receipts processed on the platform are submitted through its mobile solution. That means employees can take a picture of their receipt and the data will automatically enter into the Certify system to generate an expense report. Then, employees can be alerted whether the purchase they just made violates corporate rules.

The new solution isn’t just useful to employees, however.

“The simplicity and convenience of Certify Mobile are what make it the preferred method for submitting receipts and expenses,” said Certify CEO Bob Neveu in a statement. “Now with Certify Mobile Instant Policy Check, company administrators have an added layer of policy transparency that helps streamline the expense management process, and business travelers can have the confidence of knowing in real-time whether the expense reports they submit will be quickly reimbursed or potentially flagged for policy violation.”

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The solution checks a purchase against pre-installed rules and restrictions as uploaded by corporate travel managers, the company said.


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