Best Buy Jumps On Same-Day Delivery Bandwagon

Whether it be inspired by Amazon or not, the same-day delivery buzz has slowly but surely spread to the world of traditional retail.

Now, the same-day delivery bug has caught on at Best Buy, the latest retailer to offer same-day delivery on specific goods. At least it’s testing the option in San Francisco and the surrounding area, Re/code reported.

Interesting enough, the West Coast cities also seem to be where Amazon has planted its same-day delivery tests for the most part. And to keep up, Best Buy has brought on delivery startup Deliv, which manages a network of contract drivers who deliver those precious packages.

This comes at the same time Amazon Prime’s membership is expanding its perks to include same-day delivery, and, in some areas, one-hour delivery. That service is available in 16 metro areas for free, and the Prime Now Service is available in more than a dozen cities for $7.99 for one-hour delivery, with two-hour delivery being free.

As for Best Buy, the retailer’s option will tack on the express shipping free (varies by order). But, for now, the company is only in testing mode in order to see how same-day delivery works in conjunction to its order online, pick-up in store option.

As the competition for delivery service dominance heats up, Macy’s also announced in July that it had expanded its own same-day delivery offerings to include Houston, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Jersey and Washington, D.C..

The nation’s largest department store chain said it is planning an aggressive same-day delivery expansion, also with the help of delivery startup Deliv.

Macy’s plans to offer its same-day delivery service in more markets and that move has the potential to put the company ahead of Amazon – which now reaches 16 markets.


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